Week Ending 24th May


Acorn Class Update

This week has been an adventure-filled one for our little Acorns. We started the week enjoying most of our lessons outside, but when the weather turned, we quickly scuttled inside

Reception Children:

* Built exciting assault courses and directed their friends on how to navigate them!

* Engaged in lots of investigations into number, shape, and form!

Year 1 and 2:

* Completed their butterfly explanation text with the enthusiastic help of the Reception children, who used "The Hungry Caterpillar" as a guide! ( take a look on seesaw)

In Geography, we wrapped up our British Isles unit by tasting delicious food from around the UK!

We're all very much looking forward to what next term brings!

Have a wonderful week!


Oak Class Highlights

What a week we've had in Oak Class! It all started with an inspiring whole school assembly where we delved into the thought-provoking question: Is it fair to judge others based upon appearances? We were particularly inspired by the story of an all-girls football team that triumphed over 11 boys' teams in their league. Talk about girl power!

In English, the children were buzzing with excitement as they completed their independent writes, crafting their own innovative openings for the legend of Beowulf. They then showcased their creativity by recording these readings, which will be broadcast on Dragon FM at St. George's and shared on their Spotify channel. Stay tuned for these fantastic tales!

Science this week introduced us to the remarkable Marie Maynard Daly, a pioneering black American scientist from the 1940s. Her groundbreaking research on the circulatory system was a lesson in breaking stereotypes and achieving greatness against the odds.

Maths has been all about shapes! We've explored vertical, horizontal, parallel, perpendicular, and symmetrical lines. The children have shown incredible enthusiasm and understanding.

As we head into a well-deserved break, I want to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our incredible children this half term, I am very proud of them all.

Enjoy your time off, have a wonderful break, and we look forward to seeing everyone back on June 5th! ​​​​​​​