Week Ending 17.1.25

🌟 What a fantastic week we've had at Mossy Lea! 🌟

This week, our whole school assembly focused on the British Value of Democracy, sparking a thought-provoking discussion around the question: "Should all spaces be used for development?" It was great to hear our children share their opinions and think critically about this important issue. Especially when Mr Purcell tricked them into think that the school field was to become a car park!

In Acorn Class:

📚 English: We've been retelling NoBot by Sue Hendra with a story map, and next week we'll be creating our own versions of the story!

📜 History: The children were amazed to learn that telephones used to be attached to the wall – how different from today’s mobile phones!

💡 DT/Computing: Using an algorithm to control the Crumble kit, the class made LED lights flash, learning a lot about coding and technology.

In Oak Class:

📖 English: The class delved into Oliver Twist, inferring how Oliver felt when he learned that his new friends’ were thieves. We also compared the book's ending to the film version.

🍞 DT: We enjoyed tasting and analysing different types of bread as we prepare to design our own next week.

💻 Computing: Children have been coding their Micro:bits and making icons flash – such a fun and educational activity!

🔬 Science: We carried out a fascinating investigation into the hardness, brittleness, and solubility of various solids. It was amazing to see their scientific inquiry skills in action!

💃 PE (Dance): Both classes have been having a blast using movement and mime to retell parts of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory through dance.

A busy, creative, and educational week for all! We can’t wait to see what next week brings! 💫