Our Forest School. Our grounds. Our environment, all used for the benefit of our children, and adults.


Working with our collaboration school, Mossy Lea became a Forest School in OCtober 2024. This is an utterly transformative experience, offering boundless benefits that extend beyond traditional classroom walls. Imagine children thriving amidst the whispering trees, discovering the magic of nature first jand. Originating in Scandanavia, Forest School fosters unparalleled resilience, creativity, and independence as kids engage in hands-on, exploratory learning. The fresh air and natural surroundings invigorate their spirits, enhancing both physical and mental well-being. It's a setting where curiosity blossoms, teamwork flourishes, and environmental stewardship takes root. From building dens to identifying wildlife, every moment is a delightful adventure, making learning irresistibly fun and deeply impactful. The forest truly becomes a living, breathing classroom where our children not only learn but flourish splendidly!