
The following Intent, Implantation and Impact Statement is based on the current curriculum at Mossy Lea.

Curriculum Intent

Mossy Lea Primary is a small village school, our bespoke curriculum is broad and balanced, taking into account our school’s unique characteristics. Our curriculum is driven by the needs and interests of our pupils and is written in collaboration with them. We therefore translate the framework of the National Curriculum into a structure and narrative that is meaningful to the pupils and is organised on a cross-curricular and thematic basis. Our school values of ‘we are considerate, we persevere, we aim high, we stand together, we are responsible’ underpin our curriculum and all we do at Mossy Lea.

Due to the numbers on role, we are able to recognise every pupil as a unique individual. Therefore, our curriculum opportunities have been designed to develop the pupils’ resilience, allow them to be active learners, and become creative and critical thinkers. The ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values.

Our school is in a rural location therefore, we have identified the need to provide many enrichment opportunities to engage learning and widen the pupils’ experiences, with a strong emphasis on diversity. 

Physical and mental wellbeing are prioritised within our curriculum allowing pupils opportunities to exhibit spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding, and recognising the valuable contribution and positive impact of sport.

Our main intention at Mossy Lea is to provide a personalised curriculum that is as unique as our school.


Curriculum Implementation

The curriculum design ensures that the needs of individual and small groups of pupils can be met within the environment of high quality teaching. The delivery of the curriculum takes place within school, outside in our extensive school grounds or at external locations. Opportunities are sought within the curriculum to encourage community cohesion.

Clear strategic planning allows the curriculum to be dynamic and adapt to the context of the school and pupils’ needs. Before the start of a theme pupils are asked what they know and what they would like to know. Age related expectations combine the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills to create a purposeful and exciting learning journey for every pupil.

The curriculum is designed in a blocked approach to ensure coverage and progression. The objectives are planned in a weekly format in response to the pupils needs incorporating active approaches to teaching and learning. When planning learning opportunities, teachers will focus on the following key skills and values:

•    Be Adventurous

•    Be Ambitious

•    Be Creative

•    Be Collaborative

•    Be Reflective

•    Be Positive

•    Be Knowledgeable

•    Be Curious

Our detailed Feedback and Marking policy is implemented consistently, opportunities are provided for pupils to reflect on their learning and think deeply and carefully about their feedback.   

Our curriculum delivery in sports is enhanced by specialist coaches that deliver high quality provision for all pupils. In addition, we have identified that some of our pupils need additional support with developing resilience and skills to reduce anxiety. By bringing in experts in Mindfulness and yoga, in addition to our own high-quality provision, has enriched our curriculum offer. 

We are committed to the broadest educational offering, and that means looking beyond the National Curriculum and enables the development of the whole pupil, whatever their ability. A successful enrichment programme is offered through school trips, visiting specialists and themed days and weeks. A thematic approached is used and is changed half termly. 

Reception Curriculum (to be read in conjunction with the EYFS Policy)

In Reception, we follow the latest Early Years Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, published by the DfES. This Framework specifies the requirement for learning and development in the Early Years and provides specific areas of learning we must cover in our curriculum.


These areas are:

• Personal, Social and Emotional Development;

• Physical Development;

• Communication and Language development;

• Literacy;

• Mathematics;

• Understanding the World;

• Expressive Arts and Design.


Chris Quigley 'The Essentials Curriculum' and The Lancashire Professional Development Services units of work are used to guide the short term planning. Where possible cross curricular links will be made with fiction and non-fiction books, guided reading books, and poetry as this has been shown to develop the thematic approach, and deepen learning and engagement. Reading is a key tool for life. Teaching children to become excellent readers is a large and exciting part of what we do at Mossy Lea. We have lots of opportunities for reading exciting books and materials including support from Governors and Elwood the Pets as Therapy Dog, who listens to children read weekly.


White Rose Maths scheme of work is used to guide the short term planning. Where possible, cross curricular links will be made in areas of maths such as data handling and measures.  Throughout, the children are provided with opportunities apply their mathematical knowledge.


Science is taught discreetly, following the National Curriculum, within in a rolling program. Teacher’s access a wide range of resources to support their short term planning.

Foundation Subjects: History, Geography, Design Technology and Art

The Foundation subjects are integrated into the themed approach, and will form the basis of much of the cross-curricular links.


Music is taught by Lancashire Music Service, all Key Stage Two children also learn to play the ukulele.  Other aspects of the music curriculum (Listening to different types of music, using ICT to create music etc) might be a part of themed work.

Foreign Language

From Years 3 to 6 we teach French to all pupils. Our approach is to make learning a new language fun.  We use a scheme of work produced by Rigolo to support our French teaching.


PE is taught discreetly by external specialist coaches from the Sports Partnership using the National Curriculum Objectives. Year 5 and Year 6 pupils attend swimming lessons for 6 months of the year. 

Religious Education

RE is a statutory part of the curriculum. The Lancashire Agreed Syllabus  provides comprehensive and detailed planning for Religious Education this aids our short term planning.

PHSE and Citizenship

PHSE and Citizenship are important aspects of our curriculum, and will be taught either discreetly, within a topic or in assembly depending on the needs of the pupils in each key stage. We use CORAM Life Education scheme of work to deliver the discreet aspects of PSHE.

CORAM Life Education  is a comprehensive scheme of learning which integrates personal, social, health and economic education with emphasis on emotional literacy, mental health and SMSC, especially spiritual development.

Whole School Assemblies contribute to our children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural guidance.   The assemblies help the children to: develop confidence and responsibility and make the most of their abilities; prepare to play an active role as citizens; develop a healthy, safer lifestyle; develop good relationships and respect the differences between people. They aim to actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. 


Computing will be generally taught as a separate subject area, using the Purple Mash scheme of work.

Other elements, of the wider Computing curriculum, will be taught as a part of topic work. This will include Digital Publication and Presentation, Digital Research, Data Handling and the use of Digital Media.



Curriculum Impact

We use a rigorous monitoring system throughout the year such as lesson observations, book scrutiny, learning walks and pupil questionnaires, to gauge the impact of the curriculum design. By reviewing learning, evaluating pupil voice, professional dialogue, celebrating positives and highlighting areas of development; provides feedback to move practice forward. Pupils’ learning is assessed through the acquisition of knowledge and skills, which is applied across the curriculum. Due to the unique nature of the school, staff continually assess the pupils’ knowledge and skills and address any gaps in learning efficiently and then adapt planning accordingly.

The curriculum design ensures the needs of individuals at Mossy Lea can be met within the environment of quality first teaching, supported by targeted interventions where appropriate.

Through oral and written feedback from pupils, indicates that their enjoyment of their curriculum has a positive impact on outcomes, motivates their learning and improves confidence and resilience.

Pupils’ work and achievement within the curriculum will be celebrated and displayed to enable it to make a significant impact on the visual appearance of the school and to contribute positively to its ethos. Each pupil will also have a Wow book, in which they can add personally selected pieces of work that they are proud of.